Luke 14:26 Meaning

Jesus With DisciplesSource:

Luke 14:26 is a passage from the Bible that has been the subject of much debate and discussion over the years. This verse reads:

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.”

Disciple Of JesusSource:

At first glance, this passage may seem harsh and difficult to understand. How can Jesus, the embodiment of love and compassion, ask his followers to hate their own families?

However, when we take a closer look at the historical and cultural context of this verse, we can gain a better understanding of its true meaning.

Context and Culture

Biblical CultureSource:

In biblical times, family loyalty was of utmost importance. Family ties were so strong that they often took precedence over everything else, including faith and obedience to God.

Jesus knew that in order for his followers to truly commit themselves to him, they would need to be willing to put their relationship with him above even their closest family ties.

This doesn't mean that Jesus actually wants us to hate our families. Instead, he is asking us to prioritize our relationship with him above all else.

Becoming a Disciple

Bible StudySource:

When Jesus calls us to follow him, he is asking us to become his disciples. Being a disciple means more than just saying you believe in Jesus - it means committing your entire life to following him and living out his teachings.

Jesus knew that this would not be an easy task. He knew that his teachings would challenge the status quo and force his followers to make difficult choices.

By asking us to prioritize our relationship with him above all else, Jesus is reminding us of the commitment required to become a true disciple.

The Cost of Discipleship

Jesus On The CrossSource:

Following Jesus is not always easy. In fact, it often requires sacrifice and even suffering. Jesus himself paid the ultimate price for his discipleship - he was crucified on a cross.

When we commit ourselves to following Jesus, we are also committing ourselves to the cost of discipleship. This may mean giving up certain relationships, habits, or even our own desires in order to live out Jesus' teachings.



While Luke 14:26 may seem confusing or even harsh at first glance, it is actually a reminder of the true cost of discipleship. Jesus is asking us to prioritize our relationship with him above all else, even our closest family ties.

Becoming a disciple of Jesus requires sacrifice, commitment, and a willingness to put Jesus' teachings into practice in our daily lives. But the rewards of discipleship - a deeper relationship with God, a sense of purpose and meaning, and the knowledge that we are living out Jesus' teachings - are more than worth the cost.

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